Anxiety After Posting on Social Media Reddit

At that place's a high correlation betwixt the internet and social anxiety since the ascension of social media in the early 2000s. A elementary Google search can verify that. Only generally, we're concerned about the internet causing social feet in real life situations — like, I'd-rather-use-the-cyberspace-to-socialize anxiety, or gotta-stay-connected-at-all-times anxiety. But what about the kind of anxiety that hits while you're using the internet? Is that a matter?

I'thou only bringing this upward because recently I've noticed (by fashion of personal experience) how nervus wrecking it can be to submit a post to Reddit.

Some context: if yous've never heard of Reddit, it'south often described every bit "the front page of the internet." Information technology's an online community where the internet goes to discuss a wide variety of topics and electric current events. It'south governed by community moderators and a voting system where people tin up-vote and down-vote discussions and comments. These points are what determine your "karma," and karma is what determines your popularity and support. Reddit generates great positive vibes, but regardless of heavy moderation and reddiquette, it also generates negativity in the class of trolls.

Considering of this, there's an uncomfortable sense of stress and anxiety that hits me when I'm in the process of submitting something for the internet to consider. The social pressure of beingness accepted and liked by your peers exists on Reddit, and it feels like highschool all over again.

Dont get me wrong, I've submitted posts earlier and received positive feedback, but not without dubiety and heavy reconsideration — what if no ane likes what I have to say? Cue the trolls.

Trolling; verb — being a prick on the internet because you lot can.

We all have legitimate opinions on diverse matters, and the freedom to share what we want, but the feeling of beingness scrutinized and rejected by the internet — millions of people yous've never fifty-fifty seen face up to confront — can be enough to make u.s.a. forget that. Say we do share with the internet, at that place's still the comfort of anonymity giving people the green-light to respond how ever they feel, allowing for very personal, malicious attacks. Knowing what other people think of you, and solidifying those comments in writing for the globe to read, makes them that much more impactful. Enough to deter many from contributing their potentially invaluable contributions.

I've had conversations about digital feet before with a friend, an avid Reddit lurker, who'southward been a member for a picayune over 3 years. Recently nosotros had a conversation in which I plant out that he has never posted, commented, or voted. Non in one case. I asked him if he was scared to post and his first response was "no, I only don't care." After a long break, he admitted his reluctance, having seen how redditors can react to submissions they don't like.

It was squeamish to know at to the lowest degree someone else felt like I did. But at that place has to be others who feel like this besides us. So I thought it would be appropriate to ask r/AskReddit, the subreddit for those looking for honest human being answers to a wide variety of questions.

I began to codify and type out a question, one I would mark as [Serious] in an attempt to prevent whatever trolling. In my most Reddit friendly voice possible, hither'due south what I wrote:

But, before hit the submit push button, I began to rethink and dubiousness my submission. Needless to say, I decided against submitting my question. I know, how ironic that the anxiety I was trying to find out more nigh got the all-time of me.

Instead, I searched r/AskReddit and found a similar question posted almost a year ago.

The comment that stuck with me most was from a user who created his account just to contribute his "first (and probable last) post." He, along with many other redditors, provided the answer to my question, plus more than. Here's what he had to say:

This comment pretty much sums it upwards. And the fact that this question garnered so many similar comments, means this is an active issue amongst many users, or lurkers, of Reddit. And information technology's not only limited to Reddit, it happens with other digital social mediums too.

As open and anonymous every bit the net is, understand that it's always going to breed negativity and trolling. And so don't let that discourage y'all from sharing with the earth. Information technology's a medium for free speech — a identify to assist and appoint with people. Come up every bit yous are and contribute. Share your experiences, communication, opinions, but be human about it. Fifty-fifty though the internet is billed equally a place where you can say whatever you want, that doesn't mean yous should contribute negativity. Always try to help and add together value to the community, because the more than value you add, the more the customs will support you. We all know the internet tin be a brutally negative place, merely it's always nice to see a bit of humanity and sincerity once in a while.

In response to OPs reply; a piffling food for thought.

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